Dec 11, 2015


Selamat malam,

Saya memang sudah beberapa kali punya toko offline dan juga online, namun ternyata baru sekarang saya merasa akhirnya merasa menemukan konsep isi, tampilan dan juga medium toko yang selama ini saya cari.

Namanya herfingerpower, sama dengan FB Group saya. Herfingerpower adalah istilah yang saya dan beberapa teman pemilik toko pertama gunakan untuk mengatakan handmade baik dalam seni maupun kriya.

Sebagai sebuah toko instagram, herfingerpower tampaknya juga berhasil menjadi tempat eksperimen saya dalam belajar menata gaya produk untuk difoto. Sehingga berbagai barang koleksi saya juga memiliki fungsi baru, sebagai properti foto. Senangnya!

Oh iya selain itu biarpun tokonya baru buka, tapi buat pembeli di Jakarta sudah ada bonus asik buat belanja dalam jumlah tertentu. Karena moto saya dalam berniaga sederhana,"Kalau saya tidak suka dengan barangnya, lalu mengapa saya menjualnya?"

Silahkan ya melihat-melihat,


Dec 5, 2015

"I would die happy right this second and I don't care if I end up in heaven or hell"

I found art in the right place. In my own space, among my bestfriends. We are practically trying to make whatever idea we have came to live with whatever we have at that moment. We believe in ourselves, we believe in Do It Ourselves. Art to us is not only a tool to talk to other   people, but also to ourselves, to our friends. It may not be always a successful attempt, but we love doing it that way. In our own way. In our own definition. I am really grateful that I surround myself with plenty of self-taught artists that start their journey in front of my very own eyes everyday. They taught me creativity, hardwork, courage and respect. And those are contagious, the spirit they have. They don't really believe in ownership, but they do understand the importance of supporting each other idea and be happy when it actually comes to live.

And everytime someone said to me how much they love my works, past and present, I feel like it goes to me and my friends actually. Yeah, we are awesome that way.

Politic with small p

Would like to remind herself that having choices is a luxury, but creating new choices is sometimes mandatory. Because taking what we are being served with is not always satisfying, let alone makes one person happy.

Dec 1, 2015

"First, let's get help with this bad habit."

A couple of days ago I let myself free by asking help to one of my faraway friend that wonderfully lent me his ears, time and said things that I really need to hear. 

Because carrying around guilty feeling and not doing anything about it is not necessarily something that we can do it alone apparently. Give yourself a favor, ask for help. Let the ego, go. 


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